
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

My Lovely Ning

PitaPata Cat tickers

Saturday, September 10, 2011


kadang-kadang kita rase kita nak semua orang diam dan dengar ape kita nak ckp.... ini asyik ko je yg ckp... ade ko nak dengar ape yg aku rase? lagi satu... aku benci org yg cakap x serupa bikin.... tp bikin kecoh je... ape yg ko dapat dgn buat kecoh hah?

sakit kepala la wei nak dengar org membebel2 ni.... ape la yg aku buat sampai ko asyik x puas hati je? memang semua yg aku buat salah.... ade ko pikir ape yg bersarang dlm otak aku ni? ade ko tahu aku menangis sendiri2 malam2 sbb perasaan aku ni?? xde sape pun yg kisah n nak ambil tahu pun.... so kepada org2 yang rase xnak berhenti bercakap dan asyik nak buat kecoh je... kalo korang xnak berhenti membebel, aku akan ttp telinga! kalo aku buat dek je so layanlah bebelan ko tu sorang2!

dah berminggu2 aku rase betul2 tertekan dengan org sekeliling aku ni... 
dah la x supportive.... jgn sampai aku fed up dgn perangai korang ni.... 

aku ade member yg aku suka ajak kuar, tp setiap kali aku ajak ade je alasan dia bagi... nak ajak shopping or vacation... kalo dia xde bujet, aku sampai niat aku nak belanja time tu.... tp ntahlah.... dia pun benci kuar ngan aku kot agaknya.... 
sampai satu masa tu, aku nekad xnak ajak lagi...
then sampai skrg pun aku xajak langsung g memana.....
jahat kan aku ni?? 
korang pikir la kalo korang berada kat tempat aku jugak..... aku x dendam tp aku fed up dgn perangai org mcm tu... so lantak korang la nak buat ape lepas ni....

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

day 01 – a picture of yourself with three facts
day 02 – a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
day 03 – a picture of the cast from your favorite show
day 04 – a picture of your night
day 05 – a picture of your favorite memory
day 06 – a picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day
day 07 – a picture of your most treasured item
day 08 – a picture that makes you laugh
day 09 – a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
day 10 – a picture of the person you do the most best things with

day 11 – a picture of something you hate
day 12 – a picture of something you love
day 13 – a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 – a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
day 15 – a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 16 – a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 – a picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
day 18 – a picture of your biggest insecurity
day 19 – a picture and a precious gift
day 20 – a picture of somewhere you’d love to travel
day 21 – a picture of something you wish you could forget
day 22 – a picture of something you wish you were better at

day 23 – a picture of your favorite book
day 24 – a picture of something you wish you could change
day 25 – a picture of your day
day 26 – a picture of something that means a lot to you
day 27 – a picture of yourself and a family member
day 28 – a picture of something you’re afraid of

day 29 – a picture that can always make you smile
day 30 – a picture of someone you miss

nor hanifah bt ab talib
21 January 1988
still a student for 5 and half year study to be a teacher
pic taken : aidilfitri 2011